2015/16, Promenade 6:  Walking with Water.

Created and performed at two locations in Sweden, then at Siobhan Davies Studios, London.

1hour 30 minutes.



This piece developed during a two-week residency, hosted by Matsesgården, Korda Art, a small rural centre for the arts in central Sweden. Our plan was to make and perform a piece from scratch during the residency, drawing upon Matsesgården itself and its immediate surroundings. The title of our piece, “Walking with Water”, was a response to the watery nature of the area, with its lakes and rivers, and its industrial past, based on water power and the presence of iron ore and copper. Much of the residency was taken up with filming the surroundings and observing the changing qualities of landscape according to conditions and times of day. Manipulated recordings of environmental sound were also prominent in the work. Each of the three venues where the piece was performed, (Stjarnsund, Sweden; CCAP, Stockholm; Siobhan Davies Studios, London), were strikingly different in character and offered rather different spatial possibilities. Film played a correspondingly different role in each, depending upon the size and positioning of projections. Having been performed twice in Sweden, the piece was adapted for performance in London the following year. In London and in Stockholm, the gathering dusk and the evening lights of the city outside were a feature of the event (as had been the case for Promenade 3).