2018, Promenade 7: Theatre of Memory.

Galerija SC. Zagreb. A seven-hour presentation – live performances alternating with screenings of video recordings showing past Promenades. (see Publications)

‘Theatre of Memory’ explored the way in which every place and every part of a place can give rise to personal memories and associations if we connect in an open way to what is there. The gallery venue and the surrounding city of Zagreb therefore became a resonant source for this memory-based piece. The seven-hour event also included periodic video screenings of our six previous promenade works  (another aspect of remembering).  Visitors were invited to use their cell phones to photograph the performance and to email their images to the gallery. The pictures were displayed in the foyer during the event - a record of what had occurred. The physical environment for this piece included six of each of the following: tables, wooden boxes, jugs, branches - all sourced locally.

Photos by audience members